collimated beam




  1. However, such a divergent beam can be transformed into a collimated beam by means of a lens.
  2. Another important application of diffraction theory is the study of the far field divergence angle of a collimated light beam.
  3. Collimated laser beam parallel beam stress meter
  4. Rao R Z.Pattern characteristics of collimated laser beam in a turbulent atmosphere II.
  5. On the basis of theories of physics, geometrical optics and photometry, the optical properties of collimated light beam incident upon single fiber perpendicular to the fiber axis are studied.
  6. The effect of the deviation between the center of collimated laser beam and the center of the phase plane on the diffraction pattern is investigated and simulated.
  7. Aperture-averaging effects for collimated beam in a folded path
  8. If a monocentric system existed for which an incident collimated beam emerged as exactly collimated, then the system would give geometrically perfect imaging of any point in space.
  9. We use the Monte-Carlo method to calculate the intensities of transmission and reflection of a collimated light beam scattered from randomly distributed particles in thin layer. The results obtained are compared with those calculated by the transport theory of diffusion approximation.
  10. Optical parameters of tissue was reconstructed by Genetic Algorithm and Monte Carlo method according to the multiple scattering photon distribution, which emerged when a collimated laser beam normally incident upon and propagated through the tissue.
  11. The gamma-ray calibration was carried out by a collimated beam of 60Co gamma-ray.
  12. The theoretical expressions of the collimated beam of a DHCL are derived by transmission theory, and the numerical results are also given.
  13. The success of laser cooling makes atom lithography easy to obtain well collimated atomic beam. Because of that collimated atomic beam is a good method among laser spectroscopy, atomic beam laser induced fluorescence ( LIF) can be used for the laser frequency stabilization in atom lithography.
  14. Study for Backward Scattering Photoelectrical and Smoke Detector Based on Collimated Beam
  15. A fiber optic displacement sensor based on the principle of collimated beam reflective intensity modulation is constructed. Both emitting fiber and receiving fiber are connected to graded-index ( GRIN) lenses.
  16. In order to correct reasonably the image lean, the distortion caused by a reflecting prism with a second parallelism in a collimated beam and the image lean introduced by it were presented.
  17. The divergence angle of the collimated beam could be as small as 0.1 mrad.
  18. Real-time Inspection of Collimated Light Beam with Small Aperture
  19. Analysis of the Directional Characteristic of Second Harmonic of Collimated Beam of Sound
  20. Research on Calibration Method of Collimated Laser Beam
  21. The method is based on measuring the deflection of rays from a collimated light beam due to gradients in refractive index.
  22. Impact on Photolithographic Spot Intensity Caused by Collimated Beam with Gaussian Attribute
  23. Study of Underwater Spot Spread of Collimated Laser Beam
  24. Distortion of wedge prisms in collimated beam
  25. The emitting system selects the Galileo telescope system as the collimated beam expander initial structure.
  26. For collimated beam and compact light source, a corresponding mathematical model is established for the freeform illumination, and a numerical method is given for solving this kind of mathematical model.
  27. According to the actual requirements of the system, the parameters of the pinhole filter, the collimated beam expander, the interferometer and the data receiving system were calculated. 4.
  28. The optical system mainly consists of the collimated laser beam expander optical system and the filter projection optical system.
  29. In the emitting system, since the beam waist of the laser is small, and therefore, when the laser is used as the detecting laser, the light beam requires collimated beam expander.